What does the Parish Council do?

Here is a list of the main activities of the Parish Council to assist the community

  • Maintains the Recreation grounds which includes the children’s play area the field containing the goalposts and the tennis court and the new table tennis table - including working to upgrade those facilities


  • Keeps the Parish clean and tidy by arranging regular litter picking and the emptying of bins in the Parish and supplements this by arranging community litter picks.


  • In order to maintain a pleasant environment, the Parish Council arranges gardening and the provision and maintenance of flower tubs


  • Under its health and wellbeing plan considers how to assist residents with such issues – in particular during the Corona Virus pandemic the Parish Council has signposted residents to sources of advice and assistance and worked closely with the local GP surgery and volunteer groups


  • Acquires and maintains assets for the Parish such as bins, dog bins, a village sign, seats, picnic tables and bus shelters


  • Maintains the red telephone box which the Parish Council has acquired and within which it has installed a defibrillator.


  • Takes part in the Essex County Council salt bag scheme whereby grit is provided to the Parish to assist in icy weather.


  • Arranges for grass cutting of certain public areas in the Parish in order to maintain a tidy standard.


  • The Parish Council is responsible for the War Memorial on The Street


  • Manages the allotment sites in the Parish - one at Blasford Hill and the other at the recreation grounds so as to provide more plots for residents.


  • Listens to residents and makes representations in relation to planning applications and other consultations


  • Liaises with other organisations and agencies to try and address problems in the Parish such as problem parking and speeding. The Parish Council assists the community speed watch group in the Parish and purchased a speed gun for their use.


  • Keeps residents updated by publishing a quarterly magazine, maintaining a website and a bespoke Facebook group as well as by using its noticeboards


  • Assists community groups with the provision of grants under it small grant scheme


Lots more information can be found on this website and any questions can be addressed to the Clerk by phoning 01376 331251 or via email clerk@littlewaltham.org.uk