The Parish Council would like to let you know that a licensing application has been received in relation to Wheeler's Farm, Wheeler's Hill to hold up to 10-12 events annually at weekends from 1pm to 11pm. The application refers to music events together with the sale of food and alcohol. The Parish Council has objected to the application on the basis of the noise nuisance that would be created and impact upon residents and the issues of public safety in view of the traffic disruption that resulted from events last year. You can view the full details of the objection below
Little Waltham Parish Council representations regarding Wheeler's Farm licence
You may also have your say as a resident and you can find out more at the link below including how to respond direct to Chelmsford City Council. The deadline is 27th April 2022 so if you are concerned please make sure you make your views known.
Wheeler's Hill Licensing application details